SAP Business Technology Platform - BTP


SAP Business Technology Platform - BTP

What is SAP Business Technology Platform?

SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is a cloud-based business technology platform. Including basic technological components, development tools, analytical features and data management solutions, SAP BTP brings together a variety of services to develop innovative applications and optimize business processes in digital transformation processes for businesses. SAP BTP works integrated with SAP's other cloud-based applications and solutions, enabling businesses to be faster, more flexible and more innovative. It offers a solution for companies that want to support digital transformation processes, strengthen data management and optimize business processes.

Check out the main features of SAP BTP;

Data Management:

SAP BTP, which includes various data storage and management solutions, produces practical and functional solutions in the fields of big data analytics, data integration, data warehouse solutions and data management.

Development Tools:

SAP BTP includes a set of development tools used to develop and customize applications. These tools enable application developers and business analysts to create, extend and customize applications. Businesses can easily integrate innovative business ideas into their business processes with the features offered by SAP BTP to provide perfect technology experiences to their customers.

Integration Services:

The BTP platform provides services to enable integration between different systems, applications and cloud services. It is used for businesses to make business processes more efficient and facilitate communication between different data sources. SAP BTP offers ideal solutions for integrating and analyzing internal and external data to develop highly customized customer experiences.

Advanced Analytical Business Intelligence

Offering analytical tools that help businesses analyze large data sets and gain valuable insights, SAP BTP also includes features such as data discovery, reporting and visualization.

Security and Identity Management:

SAP BTP has various features in security and identity management. Security measures such as data security, access control and authentication are part of the platform. SAP BTP offers access control, data encryption and auditing features to secure applications and data. Access control, which allows administrators to control who can access different resources within the platform, can be achieved through the management of user roles and permissions, which can be configured to allow or restrict access to specific resources or actions.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:

The SAP BTP platform includes tools that enable businesses to leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities. It can be used to create predictive models, make automated decisions and optimize processes. You can use scalable and responsible AI integration in your applications with business-specific and ready-to-use pre-trained AI models to optimize your applications.